Inkless Scars and Stretch Mark Removal & Revision (ISR)

Inkless Scars and Stretch Mark Removal & Revision (ISR) is a non-invasive cosmetic treatment aiming to improve the appearance of stretch marks and scars without using ink or pigment. Here's a breakdown:

How it works:

  • Instead of ink, a specialized serum like amino acids is injected into the affected area.
  • The injection process uses a similar device to a tattoo machine, but without the pigment.
  • The serum triggers the body's natural healing response, stimulating collagen and elastin production to improve the texture and color of the stretch mark or scar.

What it claims to do:

  • Reduce the appearance of stretch marks and scars by 30-80% after a few session.
  • Improve the texture and color of the affected area.
  • Be suitable for all body areas and most skin types (The treatment is not suitable for people with Fitzpatrick 5-6 skin tone).
  • Offer permanent results.

Important points to remember:

  • While promising, the effectiveness of ISR can vary depending on the individual and the severity of the scars or stretch marks.
  • Multiple sessions are required for optimal results. 
  • ISR aims to improve the appearance, not completely erase scars or stretch marks

What to expect after ISR treatment:

While ISR aims to significantly improve the appearance of scars and stretch marks, it's important to remember it doesn't completely erase them. However, with proper aftercare, you can maximize the positive results and ensure optimal healing.

Here's what you can expect after your ISR treatment:

  • Initial redness and swelling: It's normal to experience redness and swelling in the treated area for the first few days. This usually subsides within 2-4 weeks.
  • Dryness and flaking: The treated area may also be dry and flake slightly. Apply a gentle moisturizer as recommended by Dasha.
  • Avoid scrubbing or picking: It's crucial to avoid scratching or picking at the treated area, as this can disrupt healing and increase the risk of scarring.
  • Sun protection: Avoid direct sun exposure for at least 40 days after treatment. Always wear sunscreen with SPF 50 or higher to protect the sensitive skin.
  • Showering and bathing:  Generally, avoid hot water and soaking for the first few days.
  • Makeup: Avoid wearing makeup on the treated area for at least a week after the procedure.
  • Follow-up appointment: Schedule a follow-up appointment with Dasha for you next session within 8 weeks.

Remember, everyone heals differently, and the specific aftercare instructions may vary depending on your individual case . Always prioritize gentle care and adhere to the advice provided by Dasha.

Unveiling the Power of ISR for Scar and Stretch Mark Removal

 Do scars and stretch marks hold you back from feeling truly comfortable in your own skin? You're not alone. Millions grapple with these visible reminders of life's experiences, yearning for a smoother, more confident appearance. But what if there was a revolutionary treatment that offered real results, not just empty promises? Introducing ISR, a groundbreaking technology poised to change the landscape of scar and stretch mark removal.

ISR stands for InterStimulatory Regeneration, a unique approach that harnesses the body's natural healing power to diminish the appearance of scars and stretch marks. Unlike traditional methods that simply ablate or fill imperfections, ISR stimulates collagen and elastin production, promoting genuine tissue regeneration from within. This results in smoother, healthier skin that blends seamlessly with your natural tone.

 Imagine waking up to a more even, confident complexion. Picture wearing your favorite clothes without self-consciousness, feeling empowered to embrace every inch of yourself. ISR can make this dream a reality. The treatment is minimally invasive, with minimal downtime and discomfort. Plus, its customizable nature allows for tailoring to specific needs and scar types, ensuring optimal results.

Don't let scars and stretch marks define your story. Take the first step towards a smoother, more confident you. Schedule a consultation with an ISR-certified practitioner to discuss your unique concerns and explore the possibilities. Together, you can unveil a new chapter in your self-love journey.

Schedule a consult with Dasha online and get your personalized treatment plan!