Subsidy for Scalp Micropigmentation

Subsidy for Scalp Micropigmentation

Receive a 50-100% discount on your Scalp Micropigmentation treatment through a government subsidy program.


This program qualifies individuals with permanent or temporary hair loss who meet the government subsidy program’s criteria. Further details and eligibility checks will be provided during your consultation at Dasha Cosmetic Tattoo Studio.

At Dasha, we offer 50-100% discounts to eligible clients who suffer from significant hair loss due to a medical condition or certain cancer therapies. To qualify, your specialist or GP will need to provide you with a current medical certificate with your NHI number, details of your hair loss condition, and its permanence or temporary nature.

Who it’s for? You may claim for this service if you:

  • are a New Zealand citizen, or are ordinarily resident in New Zealand; and
  • have a medical condition that has caused you to lose your hair (like treatment for cancer, alopecia or other scalp conditions that cause hair loss).

More information will be provided on your consultation.